Oakland County Parks Millage Plan
What You Need to Know
Oakland County Parks Nov. 5, 2024 Millage
Great parks, trails and recreational activities are a big part of what makes Oakland County a special place to live and raise a family. Oakland County Parks has delivered great recreational experiences to the public for nearly 60 years thanks to the generous support of voters. This November, voters will be provided an opportunity to support much needed additional funding to:
RENEW our parks and recreation facilities by updating and modernizing our parks to create engaging, safe and welcoming spaces for Oakland County residents. View our Capital Improvements Summary
ENHANCE and expand opportunities to enjoy the outdoors and get active through greater investment in regional walking and water trails, improved accessibility for people of all abilities, education and enrichment programs and partnerships with local communities to develop new and renewed parks close to where people live.
PRESERVE sensitive natural habitats, green space and wetlands at risk of loss to development and enhance green infrastructure throughout the county.
If approved, Oakland County Parks current 0.35 millage would be replaced with a 0.65 millage expiring in 2043, generating $24 million annually for investment in parks, trails, education and enrichment programs and the preservation of threatened natural areas and green spaces throughout Oakland County. The net 0.30 increase would equal $40 a year for the average residential taxable value home.
Oakland County residents will benefit from this millage with:
- FREE entry and enjoyment of Oakland County parks and dog parks (excluding pay to play attractions such as golf courses, waterpark, campground, off-road vehicle park).
The following parks would eliminate vehicle entry fees:
- Addison Oaks
- Groveland Oaks
- Highland Oaks
- Independence Oaks
- Lyon Oaks (Park and Dog Park)
- Orion Oaks (Park and Dog Park)
- Red Oaks Dog Park
- Rose Oaks
- $100 million investment in major capital improvements to improve your enjoyment of our parks, trails, recreational attractions and the Oakland County Farmers Market
- New and expanded regional trailways and improved maintenance of existing trails
- More opportunities for recreational enjoyment of our major rivers
- Investment in equipment and facilities designed to be accessible for all, regardless of age and ability
- An expanded park system with additional locations near our population centers through partnerships with local governments
- Support for greater participation in school field trips to nature and farm education centers and expanded enrichment programs for people of all ages
- Preservation and protection of sensitive natural habitats, wetlands, and green spaces
- Opportunities for low-interest financing that will ultimately reduce costs to taxpayers. Due to the limited duration of Oakland County Parks' current millage, we cannot utilize these tools and must pay for all major capital projects and purchases with cash on hand. As a result, we are unable to move forward with long delayed, costly projects or take advantage of unique opportunities to purchase property well suited for recreation and conservation purposes. Extending the duration to 20 years will allow us to finance large projects and purchasing through low-interest bonds paid back over a period of years
The Oakland County Parks System includes 17 park locations with nearly 7,200 acres of public park and recreational lands, 80 miles of trails, campgrounds, dog parks, golf courses, aquatic recreation facilities, and nature education centers.
To continue to provide revenue to the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission, shall the current millage, which has been reduced by required rollback, be replaced, and increased to .65 mills for 20 years from 2024 to 2043. The .65 mills is equal to 65 cents per $1,000.00 of taxable value. The millage, if approved and levied, shall generate approximately $52,191,139 in 2024. The purpose of the millage is to expand, improve, operate, maintain, and acquire parks, recreational facilities, open spaces, lakes, rivers, water areas, and trailways; to support nature education, recreational, and outdoor educational and health programming; to support partnerships for access to and awareness of recreational lands and facilities; to promote the conservation and restoration of high-quality natural and wildlife habitats; and to allow free general park admission to all county parks for residents. Revenue from this millage shall be disbursed only to the County of Oakland to be used solely for the purpose of funding the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission and shall be subject to oversight by the Oakland County Board of Commissioners and to an independent audit.
Should this proposal be adopted?
Please share your thoughts and priorities by contacting info@OaklandCountyParks.com. You can also send correspondence to Oakland County Parks, 2800 Watkins Lake Road, Waterford, MI 48328.
Digital Toolkit
On Nov. 5, 2024, voters will be asked to consider a proposal to replace and extend the duration of the property tax that supports Oakland County Parks, generating approximately $24 million a year for investments in parks, trails, recreational areas and the protection of natural resources throughout Oakland County.
Use the tools below to help provide information to voters on how funds will be used: