TO ADVERTISE OR NOT? | Ottaway Digital


It’s such a simple question, but the answer is often so difficult. Here are the questions you should be asking yourself:

  • WHERE ARE MY SALES PACING? Is my company on trend? If not, how far below?  And for how long?
  • WHERE IS MY INDUSTRY? How are my competitors doing? Are they slow, too, or is it just me? Is there opportunity here?
  • IS THERE ANY REASON FOR A SALES BOOST COMING SOON? A holiday? A season or time of year? Father’s Day? Fourth of July?
  • WOULD MY BUSINESS BENEFIT FROM ADVERTISING? This goes to how you craft your message. You need as unique a Call To Action as possible. Can you steer available business your way?
  • WILL THE ADVERTISING BE ABLE TO PAY FOR ITSELF? This is a must, and often a leap of faith, but one that you must calculate.
  • I’VE BEEN MARKETING OVER THE YEARS, SO WHY SHOULD I ADVERTISE TOO? That’s why we have put this FAQ together. Some businesses find themselves in difficult times…often through no fault of their own…high costs, inflation, high interest rates, and high mortgage rates. It’s in situations like these that advertising can make a difference and pull you through.
  • IS THERE BUSINESS OUT THERE? The chances are pretty good…probably excellent that there is; there is just not enough of it to go around, so you have to secure your “unfair” share through advertising.


Talk to a professional. Get help in understanding your situation. We can tell you it’s working for our clients, and we’re sure you’ll find success too…if done right! It’s time to go after those sales!


Onward and upward!


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