If you’re a small retailer, you’re probably getting buffeted by the winds of change. So not only do you need to keep your eyes on the local competition who are in the same boat as you are, but you have to watch the drama at your national competitors as they adapt to Amazon, deal with hostile stock buy-outs, and inventory overload.



  •  KNOW YOUR LOCAL MARKET:  Nobody knows your local market better than you.  The likes. The dislikes. The trends. What works. Expound on this. Expand on this.
  • PERSONAL SERVICE:  It’s a cliche, but how many really offer it? Do you have a “little black book”? Can you do personal orders?
  • WHAT CAN YOU DO BETTER THAN ANYBODY ELSE?  There’s got to be something. If not, invent something. If you’re selling the same watches as 5 or 6 other stores in the same neighborhood, you have no position.  
  • WHAT DO YOU STAND FOR?  Maybe you sell the same watch brands as several other stores in a one-mile radius, but in addition to the watches, your store stands for something in the eyes of the buyer and the community. That can be a valuable position.


You get the message. You see the thinking. Establish a beachhead. Be consistent. Very few people can keep up with all the changes, stores, and claims. Use this to your advantage and have fun! You can’t bore people into buying.


Onward and Upward!


FOR MORE INFO:  https://detroitseocompany.com/blog/seo-facts/stock-photography-no-harm-no-help/

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