How to Establish Brand Identity Through Website Design | Ottaway Digital

How to Establish Brand Identity Through Website Design

The internet is full of websites and endless information. These websites are constantly trying to outshine one another. A brand’s website should be full of as much useful information as possible (emphasizing useful). This information is put in place with new and returning customers in mind. But, what information counts as useful? As the brains behind the operation, you know the in’s and out’s of the business, but do your customers? Not only that, but how do you want your brand to look visually?

Website Design

laptop on a desk

The way your website is designed is one factor that directly correlates with your company’s sales. This is something that brands of all sizes should consider when designing their website. If it’s hard to navigate, unorganized and unaesthetic to your customer base, this affects your chances of a sale. Hiring someone who specializes in website design and development can help with that.

Many factors go into building a brand. These factors go beyond its business cards, advertisements, visuals and services. You also want to take the time to reinforce brand identity. To establish your brand’s identity, you first need to understand what it is.

What is Brand Identity?

Brand identity goes well beyond a business name and logo. Although those are important, they are just a tiny part of what your brand image is. So instead, think of brand identity as the brand’s personality.

Besides what the brand does, what is it like when you dig deeper? Get to know your brand beyond its face value. What are your business values? How is your product or service being communicated? How do you want your brand to be perceived? These are just a few things to consider when building a brand identity. 

The first impression you make on your customers is what identifies your brand. That’s what lasts beyond the sale and ultimately differentiates you from others who offer similar services. People expect high-quality service from a business, and their experience is just as important. After all, they’re the ones that recommend you beyond any advertising you might have.

Incorporating Identity with Website Design

person holding phone

After you’ve built your brand identity, it’s time to reinforce it into your website design. Your website speaks to your customers for you! So, your website needs to be a great communicator. When designing a website, it is also crucial for it to be mobile-friendly. Most people carry a mobile device with them at all times. You wouldn’t want to miss out on a whole demographic of people due to poor design.

 Here are some ways to incorporate brand identity design into a company’s website.

  • Color Palette: Pick a simple color palette that fits your services but makes you stand out. When you see a pop bottle with a red logo, Coca-Cola might be the first brand you’d think of. The color red also invokes an intentional emotion from its customer base.
  • User-friendly: Make your website organized and easy to navigate. Customers can make assumptions about your brand this way. Give the customer control of the information they’re getting by having it in sections instead of large columns. If your site is hard to navigate, people will lose interest quickly.
  • Graphics and Images: Your website imagery should tell customers something about your brand. If they only know your company based on its website, that’s your opportunity for an excellent first impression and their opportunity to get to know you! The graphic design should also be fun and intentional. Use your own photos instead of stock images to establish trustworthiness.
  • Website Pages: Include information about the brand, location, lists of services and contact information. This can even include a section about the company values.

Final Thoughts

Digital design and implementing brand image benefits brands of all sizes. It’s just as important for a small business with minimal experience in digital design, as it is for a large corporation with a long-established website. Putting brand-image out with your services tells people that you’re more than the services you offer. These are improvements made for your customers as well as your brand.

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